Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lazy Sunday

The girls and Matt had a lazy Sunday, at least! I spent the day getting groceries, cooking the meat for the next two weeks, cleaning the kitchen and baking a yummy dessert for our life group tomorrow!

Reagan learned her first memory verse and Eva was cute and funny, as usual :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Loving this weather!

Yesterday the girls and I went to the park for a picnic lunch and playtime. There is a wonderful little park that's a 5 minute drive from our home. It's never crowded and Reagan LOVES it.

Eva was not a huge fan of the swings. She didn't cry, but wasn't thrilled the way Reagan was/is. She did, however, slowly lean back and fall asleep for a little while in the swing!

Reagan is often all talk when it comes to slides. She will tell us she likes slides. That she goes on slides. But in reality, we spend a lot of time standing at the bottom of slides, watching her hover at the top, only to turn around and go back across the bridge, down the steps, etc.

Yesterday there was a little boy at the park with his mom. He was probably about 2. He had some sort of physical and developmental handicap, but his smile was contagious! Reagan interacted some with him and watched as he squealed down the slides. Finally, with the little boy, his mother, and me cheering her on, she went down the big twisty slide! I was so proud!

Today Eva got her first taste of cow's milk. At first she looked at me like, "What is this?!" but pretty quickly starting sipping away. We're getting there!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy travels

Yesterday and today we have been driving...and driving...and driving. We had a wonderful trip to Myrtle Beach. The girls have been troopers in the car, but I think we're all ready to be DONE riding!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing at the beach

Reagan and Asher are having a blast this morning at the kiddie playground on the beach. Snacks of sand and a little bit of friendly cousin shoving... Great times!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's July Already?!?!

This past week my brother, Kirk, and his family were in town visiting. It was great having all 4 cousins together (my first time meeting my nephew and their first time meeting Eva). We were able to get some family pictures taken by a church friend. It's hard having your family so far away. I don't like it, but God is using them in Maryland, I know.

Eva is now 4 months old. Unbelievable! At her 4 month check up she weighed 16 pounds 10 oz., which puts her in the 94% for weight and she was in the 91% for length. She's my big girl! She's so ridiculously happy and just loves to laugh. She's rolling over (only from her back to her tummy) now.

Reagan is 22 months old. She's such a girly-girl and I am loving it! She loves her little sister and it constantly wanting to hold her and help burp her. She is obsessed with cars and shoes. Those are pretty much the two things she talks about most. Her imagination is really starting to show (she's always using her "cell phone" (read: hand) to talk to MiMi or Daddy or Mommy).

Matt and I are great, too! We're enjoying summer with our sweet girls!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's amazing how different each baby can be. Reagan never even spit up, Eva projectile vomited several times in the first couple months of her life. Reagan cried, very rarely, but still cried, Eva pretty much never cries. Reagan pooped several times a day for the first 6 months of her life, Eva has had a stretch up to 4 days of no pooping. I love the similarities, too, though. They have both been amazing sleepers (yay!) and are tremendously smiley. I'll take it! I could easily go into how wonderful my girls are, because every mother thinks that THEIR children are the greatest.... I just happen to be right :) In all seriousness, though, my hope and prayer for every family is that they can enjoy thier times together as much as Matt and I are enjoying our girls. That's what family is about, right?

Above is a very short clip that I caught of my three favorite people (at the very end Eva starts laughing - unfortunately you don't hear much of it because my camera died). Below are a few recent pictures.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Eva's Newborn pics

We're keeping busy! I go back to work (still part-time) on Thursday :( Not looking forward to it. Eva has been sleeping through the night for the last few weeks (Hallelujah!). I'm having a garage sale on Saturday. It's the subdivision wide sale and I've been in the pitching mood, so I have enough to put stuff out. Whatever doesn't sell will not re-enter my house. Straight to Goodwill!

Here are a few of Eva's newborn pictures - we got the digital images of these 3, so enjoy!